Before you have any type of medical treatment, you will want to understand the procedure’s process, benefits, and risks. You’ve likely heard about some of the hype and the criticism surrounding stem cells – so if your doctor offers this treatment to help heal and reduce joint pain, you may be wondering whether it might be a good option for you.
Let’s talk about the safety and efficacy of stem cell therapy, how it works, and where you can go for this revolutionary orthopedic treatment.
How Do Stem Cells Work?
First of all, all of the controversy surrounding embryonic stem cells has come to a close, because scientists and doctors have found that the best way for a patient to be successfully treated via stem cell therapy is by extracting their own stem cells for their own treatment. Stem cells are already “adult” stem cells starting at about six days after conception – that’s conception, not birth – plus, your body will not reject or have an adverse reaction to your own cells.
Essentially, stem cells are blank cells in your body that comprise information of your own DNA. They have the potential to become a number of different types of cells, so they can help to repair damage in your body.
How Stem Cell Therapy Repairs Orthopedic Injury
In orthopedics, your healthcare practitioner may recommend and administer stem cell injections. First, the doctor will harvest stem cells from your fat (adipose) tissue or from your bone marrow. Once the stem cells have been collected and properly processed, your doctor will inject the solution directly into the site of your pain or injury.
The stem cells will help your body to form new, healthy tissue and to repair the damage. Ultimately, you should have less pain as a result.
Decreasing the Possibility of Risks
Any healthcare practitioner who offers this treatment must undergo specialized training and understand the process and procedure thoroughly before providing stem cell therapy to patients. The only possible risks involved in this treatment include injection-site reactions and an overreaction to the stem cell infusion.
If your stem cells will be taken from your bone marrow, you will undergo a procedure involving your hip bone. This may necessitate a more involved recovery, but your doctor will explain everything to you and answer all of your questions.
Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy
Stem cell therapy is often used for healing various body parts, especially the knees, shoulders, and other joints. It doesn’t consist of any type of additional medication, and it is administered by injection rather than via surgery – so you won’t have a lengthy recovery time after receiving the treatment.
Orthopedic Center for Stem Cell Treatments in Austin, TX
If you are interested in the possibility of stem cell therapy or PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy to treat your joint pain, schedule a consultation with All-Star Orthopedics of Austin. You can contact our friendly staff today by calling us at (512) 346-4933 or by filling out our easy-to-use appointment request form online now. We look forward to helping you get active again!